在泰国,泰拳手曾经是一个高收入同时伴随高风险的职业,在利益至上的城市拳台,拳手有时不得不出卖尊严,但在南部的一个小渔村中,比亚克、袍和撒孟三个好友正享受着泰拳运动带来的单纯快乐,即使撒孟意外成为了跛子也没有减少他们对泰拳的爱……直到有一天,他们的教练为了还债远赴曼谷淘金。数年后,比亚克(Puthichai Amatayaku 饰)、袍(Thawatchai Phanpakdee 饰)和撒孟(Sonthaya Chitmanee 饰)已经成长为青年,比亚克的拳术得到了知名拳手的肯定,于是三个好友结伴来到了更宽广的城市拳台。然而比亚克不愿听从安排打假拳,导致被驱逐,为谋生,比亚克开始在地下黑拳界打拼,成为了别人的打手。而袍坚持泰拳,三个好友的命运,开始向不同的方向发展……Lifelong friends learn the traditional techniques and skills of Muay Thai Fighting that has been past down from generations. When their training camp is shut down they begin to fight underground and bring the art of Muay Thai Fighting back to life. The fighting in the ring parallels the fight for their life, when the ultimate, highly anticipated, action filled fight demonstrates to be their biggest challenge they are prepared to die for one another.