佩佩上校从乔治亚州驱车带着他的女儿佩吉来到好莱坞让她成为女演员. 在那儿他遇见了比利为她在彗星工作室找到份工作,跟他一起演出喜剧...Colonel Pepper brings his daughter, Peggy, to Hollywood from Georgia to be an actress. There she meets Billy who gets her work at Comet Studio doing comedies with him. But Peggy is discovered by High Art Studio and she leaves Billy and Comet to work there. For her new image, she is now Patricia Pepoire and ignores Billy when he sees her on location. When she is not longer wanted by the little people who do not understand "ART", she plans to marry Andre to get a fake title. Billy will not let her go without a fight.