在东京某出版社工作的饭冢真纪(佐佐木希 饰)马上就要成为一名新娘了,而就在此时,从小和她相依为命的外婆去世了。怀着复杂的心情,真纪操持办理了外婆身后事宜,在整理遗物时,她意外找到了新娘才能穿的白无垢和结婚申请书。在丈夫的一栏,赫然写着一个她从没有听说过的名字——秋国宗一。抱着种种疑问,真纪姐回老家的时候,向亲戚朋友以及当地人打听秋国宗一的下落,结果没有任何收获。这个女孩并没有放弃,她为此推迟了婚期,期间还得到曾和秋国相处过的渔民大森充(井坂俊哉 饰)的帮助。 在漫漫寻访之路上,真纪终于了解到关于父辈、祖辈感人至深的故事……Maki Iizuka (Nozomi Sasaki) works as an editor for a wedding magazine in Tokyo. She is set to marry Kazunori Nakamura (Yuta Hiraoka) next month, when her grandmother dies. Her grandmother was like a mom to Maki. While Maki arranges items left by her grandmother, she discovers a box made from empress tree. The box contains a white bridal Kimono and marriage registration forms. The marriage registration forms are mostly empty, except for the name "Soichi Akiguni" filled into a blank. Maki becomes curious about Soichi Akiguni and decides to go to her hometown Izumo in Shimane Prefecture. There, she meets a young fisherman.