如诗如画、平静和谐的居家环境人人爱,但你相信有这种地方存在吗?摇篮湾,就像它的名字一般,像摇篮那么的令人向往。史提夫在哥哥自杀之后,搬到这个洒满阳光的梦幻小镇。没有人酒后驾车、没有人嗑药、没有人自杀;青少年最常从事的活动是「社区服务」、「烤饼乾」和「考高分」。镇上有一群被称为「蓝丝带」的模范青少年,史提夫拒绝加入,并认识了刚退出的葛文与瑞秋,因为他们都怀疑这群人有失去控制的诡异行为。学校里的心理医生声称有治疗这种怪异行为的妙方;然而,就在大家意识到事情严重性之前,疯狂而恐怖的结果已轰然爆发……After the suicide of the teenager Allen Clark, his family decides to move from Chicago to the quiet Cradle Bay Island seeking a peaceful life for the siblings Steve and Lindsay Clark. When Steve joins the local high-school, the outcast Gavin Strick befriends Steve and introduces his also rejected friend Rachel Wagner to the newcomer. Gavin exposes to Steve in the refectory the punks, the nerds and the different tribes of the school and he defends the weird theory that a sinister force changes the behavior of the annoyingly perfect "Blue Ribbons", a group of good students that wear identical jackets and gather in the Yogurt Shoppe. Further he tells that he had witnessed the blue ribbon Andy Efkin killing their schoolmate Mary Jo that is missing and the local Officer Cox covering the murder. Steve does not believe on Gavin words, but when his friend is submitted to the treatment of Dr. Edgar Caldicott and immediately changes his behavior, joining the Blue Ribbons, Steve and Rachel decides to investigate the mystery discovering the dark secret of the perfect behavior.