天佑鲍比 Prayers For Bobby (2009) 為巴比祈禱

更新:2021-05-21 03:05:12


又名:为鲍比的祈祷 / 为巴比祈祷


主演:西格妮·韦弗 / 亨利·科泽尼 / 瑞恩·凯利 / 奥斯汀·尼可斯 / 卡莉·许洛德 / Shannon Eagen / 斯科特·贝利 / 李·加林顿 / Madge Levinson / 苏珊·鲁坦 / 丹·巴特勒 / 埃莱·巴德汉 / Patrick Michael Kenney / 拉斯蒂·米哈 / Dan Wells / Melanie Wilson / David G.B. Brown / Dennis Budziszewski / 杰夫·菲尔 / 特维斯·R·马库姆 / Grace Anne Rowan / Lauren Mae Shafer / 


天佑鲍比 Prayers For Bobby (2009) 為巴比祈禱

天佑鲍比 Prayers For Bobby (2009) 為巴比祈禱


本片根据真人真事改编。Bobby(瑞恩·凯利 Ryan Kelley 饰)是一个善良、虔诚的少年,有爱他的家人。但在他向家人坦白自己的性倾向后一切改变了。母亲Mary(西格妮·韦弗 Sigourney Weaver 饰)认为同性恋会下地狱的训诫,想尽办法矫正儿子。而Bobby的痛苦与日俱增。在满20岁生日前Bobby认识了开朗青年David,可Mary拒绝接受,并以有一个同性恋儿子为耻。Bobby伤心的离开家最后选择死亡来结束内心的折磨。他的死彻底唤醒了家人,尤其是Mary,她在无尽的悔恨中开始接触同性恋人群,参加PFLAG小组,与神职人员探讨圣经解释。在翻阅儿子的日记后,她开始直面自己认同儿子。失去儿子的母亲在倾盆大雨中失声痛哭,雨水和泪水将固执、偏见和不理解洗刷得一干二净。Mary此后将毕生投入到同志维权事业中,帮助那些和Bobby一样的少年。In "Prayers for Bobby," Mary Griffith (Sigourney Weaver) is a devout Christian who raises her children with the conservative teachings of the Presbyterian Church. However, when her son Bobby (Ryan Kelley) confides to his older brother he may be gay, life changes for the entire family after Mary learns about his secret. While Bobby's father (Henry Czerny) and siblings slowly come to terms with his homosexuality, Mary believes God can cure him of what she considers his 'sin' and persuades Bobby to pray harder and seek solace in church activities in hopes of changing him. Desperate for his mother's approval, Bobby does what is asked of him, but through it all, the church's apparent disapproval of homosexuality causes him to grow increasingly withdrawn and depressed. Guilty over the pain he is causing Mary, Bobby moves away, yet hopes that some day his mother will accept him. His subsequent depression and self-loathing intensifies as he blames himself for not being the 'perfect' son and is driven to suicide. Faced with their tragedy, Mary begins to question her faith when she receives no answers from her pastor concerning her devastating loss. Through her long and emotional journey, Mary slowly reaches out to the gay community and discovers unexpected support from a very unlikely source. The film is based on the 1995 Leroy Aarons book of the same name.