因生父遗留的一本笔记,格拉迪展开孜孜不懈的研究,期望能够完成父亲遗愿并造福世人。突如其来的意外,让他成了外甥(天才儿童-凯)的监护人,凯的出现让内心坚硬的他渐渐打开心房。格拉迪的养父为了保护他,将他生父的秘密手札埋藏多年,引起轩然大波。而凯在实验过程中凭空消失,庞大的神秘力量究竟是什麽?Grady Lee Jr. is a struggling reclusive farmer who has never wanted to be married or have children. He lost his mom when he was a young boy and by the time he was 13, his father and step-mom died in a car wreck separating him from his stepsister, Marry Ann. Randy, his father's best friend, took Grady in and raised him as his own and kept the family farm sustained. One day, Grady discovers his late father's hidden journal That contained secrets of Nikola Tesla. The journal contains the plans to a machine that works off of electro-magnetism, called Jack. Grady believes it could increase productivity by drastically reducing the time it takes a plant to grow. This could be the answer to saving his farm and helping the county, when in fact this could change the world. With the help of his friend, Boudreaux, they begin to work on the device. Boudreaux, of Native American decent, can sense a change is coming for Grady's. After a call from an attorney, Grady finds himself a beneficiary to his...