鳄鱼小朋友面临一个颇为困难的选择,他的头发如乱草一般,而虫子牙又令他疼痛难忍,是该去理发店还是看牙医,他委实犹豫不决。好在牙齿的疼痛迫在眉睫,他最终选择了后者;犰狳女士也面临着两难的局面,她正要前往牙科诊所,刚刚走出家门天空便阴云密布,转身拿了雨伞出来又立刻艳阳高照,如此再三,往复不断;另一方面,牙医和理发师爷都有着各自的麻烦事。无论大人小孩,全都有犹豫不决的时候,换作是你又该如何选择呢? 本片荣获1999年芝加哥国际儿童电影节成人评委会最佳短片奖、2000年渥太华国际动画片电影节最佳儿童片奖。Koji Yamamura is often praised for capturing a childlike sense of wonder in his animated films. YOUR CHOICE! actually benefits from the input of a handful of "junior director" collaborators in Japan and Chicago. The theme is indecisiveness but hand the reigns over to kids and a T-Rex is sure to show up sooner or later. Yamamura's delight in their errant narration is evident in his fresh sensitivity to the comedy of everyday life. You'll surely think of YOUR CHOICE! the next time you catch yourself deliberating whether to pack an umbrella.