假释出狱的小薇来到偏远的山林角落,寄住在瘫痪伯父的糖厂小屋中,接受假释官的固定探察。在狱中相识的同志情人小芙,很快地也来到这寂静的乡间与她相会。不久,甜蜜悠閒的两人世界开始有了转变。小芙越来越难以忍受死气沉沉的生活,内心起了骚动,小薇也意识到,也许将面对爱人的离开。但在此同时,来自往日的暗影,正无声无息地逼近中。Winner 2013 Silver Bear (Alfred Bauer Prize) Berlin International Film Festival. Vic + Flo Saw a Bear is a darkly mysterious tale of two lesbian ex-cons, Victoria and Florence, trying to make a new life in the backwoods of Quebec. Seeking peace and quiet, the couple slowly begin to feel under siege as Vic's probation office keeps unexpectedly popping up and a strange woman in the neighborhood soon turns out to be an increasingly menacing shadow from Flo's past. With it's collection of complex and eccentric characters, unexpected plot twists and unsettling humor, director Denis Cote (Curling, Bestiaire) has created an original film that is as once traumatizing, uplifting, and utterly breathless.