丹尼斯(拉尔夫·费因斯 Ralph Fiennes 饰)已经在精神病院治疗了20年,现在他刚回归社会,却发现并不能顺利地开始新生活。因为,往昔的情景一幕幕闪回,支离破碎而又让他无法摆脱。尤其是母亲,以及父亲和那个破坏了丹尼斯家庭的妓女,更让他回忆中的往事似乎变得真实。是父亲和妓女杀死了他心爱的母亲。他们残忍地用铁锹砸死母亲,把她埋在菜园子里…… 把回忆串联起来后,丹尼斯决定找妓女复仇。然而,他的记忆可靠吗?事情的原貌正如他还原出来的样子吗?有时记忆常常会欺骗我们。Dennis Clegg is in his thirties and lives in a halfway house for the mentally ill in London. Dennis, nicknamed "Spider" by his mother has been institutionalized with acute schizophrenia for some 20 years. He has never truly recovered, however, and as the story progresses we vicariously experience his increasingly fragile grip on reality.