瞎眼的小提琴家艾玛获赠眼角膜后恢复视力,但首先看到的却是一宗谋杀案。由于她只能看到一些扭曲不清的映象,故警方对她的证词感到怀疑,甚至认为那是她在童年遭母亲虐待而产生的幻觉。但年轻的刑警约翰对艾玛提供的线索锲而不舍地追查,结果有出人意料的发现。Emma is an attractive girl in her 20s who has been blind for 20 years. A new type of eye operation partially restores her sight, but she is having problems: sometimes she doesn't "remember" what she's seen until later. One night she is awakened by a commotion upstairs. Peering out of her door, she sees a shadowy figure descending the stairs. Convinced that her neighbour has been murdered she approaches the police, only to find that she is unsure if it was just her new eyes playing tricks on her.