两夫妇Lawrence(张国荣饰)、Gladys(梅艳芳饰)都从事娱乐圈行业,妻子Gladys身为经纪人总监,强势干练,丈夫Lawrence则是一名当家著名摄影师。两人每日深陷繁忙的工作之中,为排解压力,无论是工作上或私生活上,都是烟不离手。然而两人吸烟所造成的二手烟,终于令儿子隐藏性的血癌加速病发。 本部以反吸烟为题的公益短片《烟飞烟灭》,又名《无烟草之烟飞烟灭》,由香港电台第二台同香港吸烟与健康委员会联合制作。本片是“太阳计划2000”系列电影之一,群星加盟,现身说法,为年轻人揭开吸烟的丑恶真面目,广泛宣扬吸烟的有害信息。片中众明星云集,张国荣、梅艳芳、莫文蔚、王力宏、陈冠希、容祖儿、梁咏琪、毛舜筠、琦琦、叶德娴等人倾情演绎。其中,张国荣自编自导,并担纲主演。A non-profit film to ask people give up smoking. Directed by Leslie Cheung, as the birthday gift of 40 to himself. A dad (Leslie Cheung) and a mom (Anita Mui), who are both devoting themselves into working and under great pressure, take smoking as the only way to release the emotional pressure. Their young kid, who is surrounded by smoking smell, get his disease much quicklier because of...