一群性格尖酸的小鸟集聚在电线上,唧唧喳喳吵个不停。 不速之客大笨鸟的到来打破了他们的争吵,小鸟们突然团结起来,一致对外,对大笨鸟冷嘲热讽,甚至打算齐心合力把它排挤出去。可就在成功在即之时,意外发生了......This animated short starts with a group of small birds perched together on a telephone wire. When a much larger and awkward-looking bird arrives, the smaller birds reject him with taunts and insults. Still, he persists in trying to win their friendship, until at last the smaller birds decide to shove him from their perch. Only too late do they discover that there may be a problem with this plan.