杨光(杨议 饰)和他的哥们尤条(韩兆 饰)遇到了真正的麻烦,条子被查出身患绝症。杨光决定,要让条子欢乐的走完人生路,实现他没有完成的心愿。然而条子的种种愿望荒唐无理,找初恋、回老家、当皇上、临幸贵妃……让杨光应接不暇越帮越乱,上演了一场笑料百出令人捧腹的“甲方乙方”。就在这场混乱中,杨光一不小心又与条子初恋情人陈晨(魏一 饰)产生感情。两个屌丝和一个伪装女神的女屌丝,啼笑皆非的三角恋也在乱成一团中拉开序幕…… 本片为电影版《杨光的快乐生活》,天津味道浓郁,由同名热门电视剧原班人马倾力打造。This reality show ask the question - Is Love Blind? Six daters get to know each other without seeing each other, giving them a chance to like the person for their personality first and not their appearance. After dating literally in the dark, they finally get to see each other. Will it be love at first sight, or will they leave alone?