家具设计师金禹镇有个不为人知的秘密:他每天一觉醒来都会变成年龄、国籍、性别与前一天截然不同的人,时而年轻帅气、时而老态龙钟,每天都要适应新的自己,这样的他该如何恋爱呢? 命运的安排让他遇见了兴趣相投的美丽女孩李秀(韩孝珠 饰),在他神秘莫测的生活中,唯一不变的就是李秀对 他的爱。但两人的爱情,也在每一次禹镇“变身”之后,面临全新的考验。Woo-jin wakes up in a different body everyday, regardless of age, gender and nationality. Sometimes he's a man, a woman, old, young, or even a foreigner. He's the same person on the inside, but on the outside he's always someone new. Looking at a different face in the mirror every morning is hard for him to get used to. The only constant in his life is the girl he loves, Yi-soo, who knows his secret and loves him anyway. Each time he transforms, Woo-jin must figure out how to reunite with Yi-soo.