已经是大学二年级的众人迎来了足够刺激的客轮之旅——他们将在海上航行多日,期间还有戏剧比赛等文化活动。拉斯帝希望在这次旅行中告别自己的处男之身,为此他绞尽脑汁,尝试抓住任何机会,而在船上加入反性组织的姑娘们时时不忘给拉斯帝设置障碍。随船旅行的考古学家卡文迪许教授(Charles Shaughnessy 饰)背地里是个文物窃贼,他想在旅行中将手中的钻石“法老之心”伺机出售。然而事不随人愿,钻石之心同时也是学生们一部话剧中的重要道具,机缘巧合之下,卡文迪许被潜藏在船上的对手算计,而真正的钻石作为道具出现在了话剧比赛中。这班在船上纵情狂欢、争风吃醋的大学生无意间卷入了一场文物案件……The gang from Dorm Daze is back, but this time they're on a cruise ship on a tropical voyage through the high seas. The captain and crew of the Surveyor, a floating classroom for Billingsley University's Sea program, is about to make a voyage they'll never forget. The cruise makes an educational stop at the island of San Paradiso, where the students are supposed to explore an important archaeological site. Things go from normal to crazy as their visit coincides with every other college's spring break. The moment the boat docks, classes are over! For these Billingsley students, their Semester at Sea will be an adventure no one will ever forget.