两百年前,空手道名家红次郎名震中外,他的黑带也成为至高无上的荣誉象征。时至今日,红氏传人红达也(中达也 饰)却遭到恶徒田川周(堀部圭亮 饰)的袭击,最终他身受重伤,小女儿菜月也被掳走。此去经年,长女彩夏(武田梨奈 饰)已出落成充满朝气的高中女孩,偶然机会她展露了自己的空手道技巧,而这条消息引起了田川的注意。 田川一直打着红次郎及其黑带的名头非法牟利,但是当年他被达也打致残废,所抢到的黑带也是冒牌货。为了防止彩夏拿出真正的黑带妨碍财路,他向手下发布了追杀令。在这一过程中,彩夏也将和久别的妹妹菜月(飞松阳菜 饰)重逢……In an attack on the heir to a style of karate in order to steal a coveted belt, and its glory, a band of mercenaries and its mastermind kill the said man. Assuming one daughter dead, they carry off and kidnap the younger sister. The sisters are reunited and pitted against each other ten years later - and each could be a deadly karate weapon.