2075年,随着人类对太空的不断开发,太空垃圾成为了社会问题。这些被废弃的卫星、火箭零件之类的碎片围绕着轨道运转,危及周围的太空站和航天船的安全。星野八郎太(田中一成 配音)所在的残骸课,就是专门负责回收或清除太空垃圾的部门。 田名部爱(雪野五月 配音)是一个刚刚进入宇宙工作的新人,她怀着满腔热情加入了Technora公司的残骸课,却发现理想与现实有极大的差距,残骸课成员一副吊车尾的样子让她深受打击。该部门还被称为“半课”,因为垃圾回收效益不高,不受公司重视,所以人员只有其他课的一半。她被安排和星野八郎太组队,面对这个奇怪的前辈“缠头八”,她也是满口不愿意。然而在一次次与宇宙的接触中,她开始逐渐了解残骸回收工作,她也了解到同事们看似吊儿郎当、实际上让人信任的品质,她开始慢慢融入“半课”……In the year 2075, mankind has reached a point where journeying between Earth, the moon and the space stations is part of daily life. However, the progression of technology in space has also resulted in the problem of the space debris, which can cause excessive and even catastrophic damage to spacecrafts and equipment. This is the story of Technora's Debris Collecting section, its EVA worker, Hachirota "Hachimaki" Hoshino, and the newcomer to the group, Ai Tanabe.