

类型:喜剧,剧情,奇幻 地区:阿根廷 年份:2009

Lucia到布宜诺斯艾利斯来陪同一位匈牙利电影导演参加布宜诺斯艾利斯独立电影节。在那她遇见了自称是著名导演贝拉·塔尔的天使的Pablo。Lucia和Pablo,还有导演Laszlo Novak结伴,将会踏上一场寻找导演遗失电影的旅程。 Lucia arrives to Buenos Aires with a mission, take care of a Hungarian filmmaker invited to present his film at the Buenos Aires Independent Film Festival. Lucia meets Pablo, who introduces himself as the angel of prestigious film director Béla Tarr. Lucia and Pablo will join Laszlo Novak in a tragic adventure, moving heaven and earth to find his lost film.