Plot Summary:1968, London. Luca (Lino Capolicchio), the son of an Italian rich owner, is living his 'swinging' years away from duties and responsibilities while his father wants him to be introduced to the family business at any cost. Luca is first forced to return to Italy, then he is kidnapped by his father's collaborators, jailed into a sanitarium, put through the electroshock and other torments. Then, when 'normalized' Luca marries a woman who in reality is a psychologist paid by his father to brainwash him and turn him into a perfect businessman. He discovered everything and killed her. But the transformation already occurred: Luca is now a cynic and amoral individual, ready to lead family's industry with the iron fist.
卢卡是一位位意大利富商的儿子,正在伦敦过着远离家族责任的活跃而时髦的时光,而他的父亲则不惜任何代价要他回到到家族企业。卢卡首先被迫返回意大利,然后被他父亲的合作者绑架,被关进疗养院,接受电击和其他折磨。然后,当正常了的卢卡娶了一个女人,这个女人实际上是一个心理学家,由他 的父亲付钱给他洗脑,让他成为一个完美的商人。他发现了一切并杀了她。但是这种转变已经发生了:卢卡现在是一个愤世嫉俗、不道德的人,准备用铁拳领导家族的产业。这部电影早于库布里克的发条橙。