Plot Summary:Based upon the story by Guy de Maupassant, The History of a Scoundrel, tells of roguish NCO, Georges Duroy, who after serving 3 years in the French military in Algeria, returns to France, and travels to Paris to work as a journalist and seek his fortune. Duroy uses his guile and charm to seduce wealthy women in an effort to reach his goal.
Pas mal
这个版本的男主角最贴切--英俊,邪恶,对女性能发出带杀伤力的眼神。 2012年版本的男主角太可笑了,那么丑,我的妈。。。
整个电影角色中,演Mme Marelle 的 Claire Borotra, 很传神,很到位,至于电影本身我就不说什么了