Plot Summary:EXTRAVAGANZA mixes 3D animation and live-action footage in a bitingly funny satire. You are a puppet trapped in a stunningly offensive puppet show, performing for a clueless executive (Paul Scheer). Confronted with his glaringly obvious blind spots and prejudices, EXTRAVAGANZA asks: can technology change society for the better, or does it just magnify our worst traits in new ways?
#WeAreOne# 从内部视角看小人表演挺别致 @2020-06-03 08:04:55
VR @2020-06-10 05:21:14
#WeAreOne# 从内部视角看小人表演挺别致
#WeAreOne# VR。VR眼镜里的世界用木偶剧的箱子来呈现,换了个视点还是挺有意思的。某种意义上的VR版“后台故事”。
65/100 #WeAreOne no.33 尽管美术很丑,但是有点新意,观众的视角是处在一个被人观看的布偶剧场内部,反观被巨大的人类眼睛凝视感受是有点creepy的,“你”扮演了一个白男操纵话语权的政治剧场中的角色,《玩具总动员》一般在夜晚让这些角色收工后活过来,所站在的角度是新颖的至少。