Plot Summary:Who was Moliere? He is known everywhere as one of the world's greatest playwrights. But who was he? Born Jean-Baptiste Poquelin in 1622, the son of a prosperous tapestry maker. His mother died when he was a boy. Growing up in the teeming streets of 17th century Paris, Jean Baptiste received a good Jesuit education and was fascinated by the street fairs and traveling carnivals that flourished in spite of the religious repression and hypocrisy of those cruel times. As a young man he joined the theatrical Bejart family to establish the Illustre-Theatre, which soon went bankrupt. The troupe reformed, found patronage, and went on the road for thirteen years, performing all over France. Poquelin developed his stagecraft adapting Commedia dell Arte plots to please brutalized peasants and cynical townspeople. He also married Madeline Bejart, the widowed daughter of the troupe's founder. Later he entered into a love affair with Mme Bejart's daughter, to the dismay of all. The troupe eventually returned to Paris and, on October 24, 1658, greatly impressed the 20-year old King Louis XIV, later to be called the Sun King. Moliere's life became bound up with the magnificent court at Versailles, and with its intrigues. He wrote, staged and acted in the plays now famous all over the world. He fought with his enemies and his friends, enjoyed success followed by failure, organized court festivities and defended himself against increasingly fanatic religious authorities. Above all, his theater was taken from life as his life was theatrical.
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这个长度的电影挑战我的尾骨。服化道以及演员的台词功底是细腻的。国王是François Cluzet演的吗?好像啊。电影除了长,没别的缺点。
梦境般的电影,史诗风格,镜头推出推进配合戏剧台词,摄影棚里的演员如同在剧场里一样被摆来摆去,或停滞或无端走动,或转场推进剧情。用莫里哀的手法来重现莫里哀的人生,重塑戏剧场景,多重la mise en abyme。偶尔cadre结合光,变成舞台转台功能用来区分场景。这种排场和疯狂今天难复制了,lelouch制作的片,在他最风光的日子的后半截。第一次看片段的时候是在某堂课上,重看之后,梦幻感依然在,只是看到了更多的问题。没有莫里哀和法国文化背景,此片无法顺利理解。雪山上拉贡多拉搭配了lully的te deum的手法每次看都会被感动到。演员的眉毛和胡子被化得多糟糕,都没关系了。
油画感很强的史诗性教科书电影,距离感又有点新浪潮味道。可是真你妹地太长了啊啊啊,导演真是个慢性子,看得让我比莫里哀的老子还为他捉急 @arte