Plot Summary:The family consists of Pat, the cop, Mike the fireman, Danny the boxing promoter and Ma. Pat wants Danny to get a real job, because most of his fighters end up in Polookaville and Pat wants to marry Lucille. This means that he will leave the family and Danny needs a income to help support Ma. But Danny believes he has the fighter named Carbarn who will bring him fortune and is going with that. But Lucille meets Danny on the road one day and it means trouble for the family as she does not love Pat, but loves Danny.
3.5 简单可爱的喜剧,这仨看起来完全不像一家人,但银幕下关系亲密,因此对观众来说也不显得违和(O'Brien直接公主抱Cagney, 简直了),温暖的家庭bonding很好看~不过跳舞之类的桥段换换人就行了,嘛拳击也换,最后竟然还赢了,有点太童话了。这部里麦休好搞笑xD偷看拳赛笑得我脸都疼哦!很喜欢Cagney跟德哈维兰在舞会外面那场戏,难以想象这是黑帮大佬type演得出来的欲言又止和紧张羞涩,夜色温柔呵~。
勉强算个温馨的小故事 Cast:James Cagney;Pat O'Brien;厌恶Olivia de Havilland跟厌恶Joan Crawford的道理一样