Plot Summary:The host for the episode is Jodie Foster, and the musical guest is Brian Wilson. The skits for this episode are as follows: Gilda Radner opens the show to explain why she won't be appearing much, while caption explain that she's been fired. Jodie Foster explains in her opening monologue that she's treated just like every other guest even though she's just 14. Chevy Chase advertises convenient feedbag dinners. Two Bees come into a girl's room claiming they're Peter Pan and Tinkerbee. Jodie demonstrates the new Puberty Helper to get teens through their awkward years. A man tries to get through the security gate at the airport, but his personal fetish causes a problem. An SNL fan is interviewed on why he likes the program. A schoolgirl with a crush on her teacher tries to say goodbye for the summer. For his 50th birthday, the cast re-enact the life of Don Pardo. A man is shocked to discover that his wife of six years isn't black. Mr. Mike tells Jodie a story about a little train that ...
那时的总统还是jimmy carter,jodie foster十四岁……还是有点婴儿肥,彼时演技已经很强悍,并且……毫无女子情态。
TM太喜欢john belushi了!
What a cute tomboy~~~
Jodie Foster小时候太tomboy了,有点像Ellen Page啊。。。长大了gay起来也不出奇啊~