Plot Summary:Circa 1900, runaway boy Nugget arrives in an Oklahoma boom town to find his brother...who's a dealer in the casino section of a palatial bawdy house, and lover of the madam, Tacey Cromwell. Together, Nugget, Clint, and Tacey seek respectability in a Colorado mining town. Clint finds work at the town's new bank, while Tacey adopts another orphan, Seely. But Clint is pursued by banker's daughter Judith Watrous, who's seemingly sweet but takes ruthless steps to eliminate competition. Result for Tacey: heartbreak, renunciation, and tears a-plenty.
我就看看穿燕尾服的Rock Hudson和青涩的Natalie Wood。情节真是没什么营养,为促成男女主角,忽而来场大火烧死女二也是莫名...Anne Baxter演得倒不错,角色也最饱满
Ross Hunter的泡沫剧,有的有质量,有的太泡沫真的没意思,这个就属于后者。Frank Skinner的配乐一如既往的好。