Plot Summary:While on an undercover infiltration mission, Denver police detective Christian Box has to use some drugs, and is believed by many to have become an addict. It goes wrong, and his wife, also in the operation, is killed. He gets the blame, but thanks to Lieutenant Blake he isn't officially charged, "just" reduced to desk work. Two years later, he grabs a unique opportunity to mount a new, dodgy undercover operation which should constitute his revenge against the crime family.
动作悬疑惊悚都有,一星;那个变态演的倒还行,一星。就这样,没了。 辣鸡优酷,我要看杀手不太冷 怎么给我转到这里??? 我真的没明白,男主怎么跟那个女的最后搞到一起去的??? 叙事真的有点乱啊 差不多中间偏后才知道在干嘛。。。 至于那个是不是外国人死了一方之后另一方就一定耐不住寂寞这种历史遗留问题我。。。不谈了。