Plot Summary:Hameln, a musician that plays a chello like magical violin is the friend of a girl called Flute. They live in a village called Stacato which is a peacefull village. At the time of the next summer festival they find a heavilly wounded man just outside the village. Despite the no strangers allowed rule of the village thay take the man in. This is the start of many adventures involving storybook like stills combined with great animation and daft story telling. The story is about Hamlen and Flute and the evil northern legions of demons and other evil beings who are, after 15 years of silence, once again attacking the southern countries. While Queen Horn's powers are failing, Flute is found out to be her missing daughter. Can Hameln, Flute and their friends Raiel (magical pianist)and Trombone with the help of Falen angel (and sister of Hameln) Sizer (Who plays the magical flute) win from the evil power of Hell King Bass?
貌似跟漫画的情节不一样啊 开头就,,我觉得还是漫画好
对我而言的经典 ps:为毛动画和漫画差那么多- =
why im here,我怎么能忘记你?