该片集合了剧情、商战、爱情、枪战动作,以及神秘的非洲风情和绚丽的自然风光等众多商业类型片元素,以中国通讯企业开拓海外市场苦难辉煌的真实故事为核心内容,浓墨重彩地塑造描写了中国通讯企业的海外一线员工用具有自主核心竞争力的国产高科技通讯产品建设和服务非洲,在枪林弹雨中用生命维护和平,用自己的才华和勇气彰显中国精神、中国责任、中国智慧、中国形象的感人故事。Yan Jian, a young Chinese IT engineer who volunteers to go to North Africa and help the company he works for to win a competition. The winner can own the right to control the communication between south and north. French spy Michael works for the West. His boss ordered him to go to the North Africa and win the competition, and they can control the great mineral resources of Africa. He hired the best mercenary in Africa whose name is Lauder and a former general Kabbah to help him. Yan has discovered their conspiracy, he is the only one who can stop them.