电话收单业务主管陶德(Josh Hamilton 饰)惊闻公司要将电话收单外包,相同的工作交由印度职员完成,实在可以节省不少成本。陶德被公司借鸡下蛋派往印度培训当地接班人。苦于工作未满年限陶德只得服从安排。 甫下飞机,陶德便目睹印度邋遢又充满活力的异域特色,除了名字被念做托德(蟾蜍)以外似乎没有太大不妥,前来接站的接班人普洛的名片上赫然写着“未来经理”。陶德入住一家私人旅馆,同时经过战场般的荷丽节洗礼,得以更加亲近印度文化。另一方面,陶德为提高工作效率在培训之外适度奖励,收效明显。随着印度部门业绩提升,陶德离开的时候快到了,但他实在不愿让与下属亚莎的爱情成为一段回忆……When the call center he manages in Seattle is outsourced to India, Todd travels there to train his replacement. Housed in a new building that looks like an above-ground bunker, the call center is staffed by willing novices whom Todd trains to sound American. One star on the staff is Asha, who teaches Todd that he should learn about India, and proceeds to do just that.