未来世界,科技高度发达,极度仿真的高智能人形机器人深入到社会的方方面面,成为人类的得力助手。只是狂妄自大的人类似乎单单将机器人看作服务自己的奴隶,而忽略了他们悄悄滋长的万千情感。正就读高中的向坂陆夫(福山润 配音)如很多“钻头系”(过度依赖机器人的族群)一样,日常生活全部交由机器人萨美(田中理惠 配音)处理,并且绝对相信机器人三大法则的规定。可是近一段时间发现,萨美时常会去一些指令之外的地方。倍感困惑的陆夫约请好友真崎正树(野岛健儿 配音)根据萨美的数据记录来到了一家名为“夏娃的时间”的咖啡馆,他们惊奇地发现这里聚集了许多刻意消除掉标志性光环的机器人,此时的他们与人类无异,并且也有着各自的快乐和烦恼。 与此同时,针对人型机器人“自我”状况愈加明显的情况,以伦理委员会为首的部分组织开始展开行动……In the not too distant future androids have come into common usage. Taking the androids for granted, humans treat them as if they were common everyday tools, while on the other hand, some people empathize with androids due to their human-like appearance (save for a digital ring floating above their heads). This has become a social problem and these people are frowned upon as a result. Rikuo, one who has taken androids for granted for his entire life, one day discovers that Sammy, his home android, has been acting strangely and finds a strange phrase recorded in her activity log. He, along with his friend Masaki, traces Sammy's footsteps and come upon an unusual café.