午夜12点,报时钟响起,城市的一隅,属于一家食堂的时间开始了。菜谱只有猪肉套餐,但你想吃的都可以点。这就是老板(小林薰 饰)的经营方针。特殊的风格和怀念的味道,招来了不少的客人。大家喝着小酒,吃着自己钟情的食物,卸下一天的疲惫,谈论着遇到的趣事,或是独自品味忧愁。在食物的香气里,在深夜特有的幽静和食堂内的袅袅暖意间,一出出充满人情味的故事被娓娓道来。有悲有喜,暗合着食物的酸甜苦辣。人生百味,尽在这四方食堂间。 本剧改编自安倍夜郎的同名漫画。2010年赢得第55届小学馆漫画奖“一般读者类别”奖项,并且获得第39届日本漫画家协会奖大奖。Set in a small restaurant in the corner of a shopping district. The unusual eatery is only open after midnight, and its standard menu consists of just a few choices. However, the customers still come for the amusing chatter and the proprietor's willingness to cook any dish that they request. Based on the manga series "Shinya Shokudo" by Yaro Abe