Plot Summary:Wealthy native Brit Lawrence Jamieson, living in Beaumont-sur-Mer on the French Riviera, earns most of his money through big cons on wealthy unsuspecting women. With the help of his associates - corrupt police Inspector Andre, who provides him most of his intel, and his butler Arthur - he pulls scams such as pretending to be a foreign deposed prince who needs money to finance a secret war to liberate his people. Beaumont-sur-Mer and thus his world is invaded by brash American Freddy Benson, another con man whose targets are also wealthy unsuspecting women. Lawrence believes Freddy is the Jackal, a con man whose true identity is unknown but who is known to be working his way through Europe. While Lawrence works on thousands of dollars per scam, Freddy works only on tens or if he is lucky hundreds of dollars. Lawrence's efforts to get Freddy out of his territory are unsuccessful, so when Freddy figures out that Lawrence is a con man like him, he decides to blackmail Lawrence to work under him to learn the art of the sophisticated and thus more lucrative con. Eventually, Lawrence and Freddy have a difference in how to operate their joint cons, so they issue each other an ultimatum: the person who is able to con a mark out of $50,000 first will get the French Riviera as their territory, with the other having to leave forever. Who they choose is naive and slightly bumbling American "soap queen" Janet Colgate, who has just arrived in the area. The nature of how each tries to get the $50,000 from Janet changes over time, each needing to play off the other's con. But their focus may change with more information learned about the situation, as well as some external factors they did not anticipate.
有趣 经典
天哪,我简直拍案叫绝,俩小时让我从头乐到尾。十分古典的喜剧,不强行搞笑,只好好讲故事,音乐和画面的精细配合古典得像早年的手绘动画片。最让人拍案叫绝的就是结尾两分钟,就在你以为这两个人达成和解将要move on的时候,小姑娘换了另一副面孔出场简直是惊艳,我甚至花了很长时间来确定是不是她,真是艺高人胆大!她甚至敢不商量一声就直接带了一群的人过来找老伙计,把他俩给吃的死死的,不愧是豺狼呀。最fascinating的是明明一帮骗子的斗智斗勇你居然能从中间看出君子气节,编剧真的太会了。女主太有灵气了,没想到一个人居然可以在一部片里同时演出清纯无害的小姑娘与忽悠人买房投资的老鸨子(?)。我是看了偷心女盗那部片的解说顺藤摸瓜摸到这部片的,这都相隔差不多40年了,竟然是80年代的片更先进更有品。
风格迥异的两人 还是比较喜欢Michael Caine 看到最后想大呼漂亮机灵的Girlboss小姐姐万岁!
8.3分。2022.07.22 前半段一般,后半段很经典。
作为喜剧 是出色的 虽然其中工具人角色太多
太搞笑了 挺有意思的
美式骗子和英式骗子的一次交锋,结局第一次反转很容易料到,再一次反转确实很惊喜~Michael Caine一直保持的风度翩翩太令人着迷了,赢不骄败不馁,尊重女性,非常具有骑士精神。