Plot Summary:Five friends make a pact to stick together through school, agreeing to graduate at the same time and to marry at the same time. When Komura (Tokuji Kobayaski) graduates, takes a job, and marries, the others consider it a thoughtless betrayal. Komura counters that the real problem is that the rest of the group flunked their exams, but they'll hear none of it, and vengefully set to work blowing Komura's first paycheck on a formidable bar tab. After berating him for his transgressions against their agreement, the group presses for details about Komura's new wife, Haruko (Kinuyo Tanaka). Although none of the group have met her, they've heard rumors that she talks in her sleep. Intrigued and a little touched, they're eager to know what sort of things she says in her sleep. Komura, however, is irritated with their drunken belligerence, and anxious to quit the bar. He leaves without satisfying the group's curiosity.Led by an incensed Saita (Tatsuo Saito), the group hatch a plot to turn up ...
玩不开-05/08/15 at MoMA
豆瓣上的信息有误:图片是另外一部《新朗梦话》的照片。演员信息有误,主演有:田中绢代 Kinuyo Tanaka,小林十九二 Tokuji Kobayashi。片长:57分钟。