根据2018年5月14日四川航空3U8633航班机组成功处置特情真实事件改编。机组执行航班任务时,在万米高空突遇驾驶舱风挡玻璃爆裂脱落、座舱释压的极端罕见险情,生死关头,他们临危不乱、果断应对、正确处置,确保了机上全部人员的生命安全,创造了世界民航史上的奇迹。Directed by Andrew Lau, the film is based on a real-life incident in May 2018, when the cockpit windshield of a Sichuan Airlines flight shattered while the plane was flying 30,000 feet above the Tibetan Plateau. The co-pilot was sucked halfway out of the cockpit and passengers started losing consciousness due to low pressure, but the captain managed to land the plane safely.