几个好友结伴前往观看美国大学美式足球冠军赛,他们在前往比赛地时决定顺便在野外进行一次野营。于是,卡莉(伊丽莎•库斯伯特 Elisha Cuthbert 饰)、佩兹(帕丽斯•希尔顿 Paris Hilton 饰)等几个年轻人在了野外一处荒地扎了营。他们的恐怖经历就此展开。 首先,一名神秘的司机和这群年轻人起了争执,令大家游玩的兴致全无;接着第二天他们起床后发现,他们的汽车被人动了手脚发动不了了。在一名当地人的指引下,他们只能徒步前往附近的偏僻小镇安布罗斯找人帮忙。安布罗斯由于太过偏远,以至地图上根本没有标出它的所在。一行人来到小镇,发现这里人迹罕至。好奇心下,他们走进了镇上的杜蒂蜡像馆,这里的蜡像做得栩栩如生。原来,这是一个杀人狂魔将镇上的人杀了用真人做到蜡像!此时那杀人狂魔正在暗处幽幽的盯着他们……Six friends are on their way to a football game. They decide to camp out for the night and continue driving the next day. The next day the friends find that they're having car troubles, so two of the friends accept a stranger's ride into a small town named Ambrose. The main attraction in Ambrose is the House of Wax. Except something is not right in this town, the wax figures are so realistic and the whole town is deserted - except for two murderous twin brothers. The six friends must fight to survive and escape from being the next exhibits in the House of Wax.